Thank you for this. I just embedded this post in my own post today, which is making the same argument, although not nearly as well as you have here.

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Jul 9Liked by Make Trump Lose Again

Just called my senators - hope their lines are full! This is a great summary -the FAQs are excellent and I will be using these talking points.

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Jul 8Liked by Make Trump Lose Again

Great article!

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Why call senators? Senators can't change the nomination.

You should be calling the members of DNC Standing Committee on Rules and By-Laws, who will make or break the replace-Biden train this Friday, July 19.

(I am not a Democrat, but I wrote about the Rules Committee and its immense power here, which I assume is why Substack's algo sent me your post soon after: https://decivitate.substack.com/p/how-to-stop-an-exploding-president )

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